Thursday, July 25, 2013

Aldea Infantil: Nicoll's Quincinera

By: Brett Fotheringham, an intern at La Aldea Infantil.

July 13
The highlight of this week at the Aldea was undoubtedly Nicoll's Quincinera. For those unfamiliar with what a Quincinera is (as I was), it is the coming of age celebration for a Latino woman. I'm not exactly sure if it is practiced by all of Latin America but it sounded like a pretty widespread tradition. At any rate, when a girl turns fifteen they have a Quincinera party and they roll out all the bells and whistles, or more specifically here at the Aldea, they ask the volunteers to make this day very special. I feel sad that these pictures don't quite do our decorations justice but nevertheless, It was a pretty sweet time. Nicoll didn't have a Godfather to help out with the ceremony so she asked me to stand in as one for her Quincinera. It was definitely a new experience but I ended up having a lot of fun and can now say I took part in a Quincinera ceremony. I'm a bit scared of what might happen if there's ever a Quincinera here and there are no volunteers, because none of the Tia's have the time to set up for the celebration, but hopefully that never happens! I love being here at the Aldea because there is always something to do, someone to help, something to work on. Until Next week, Chao!

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