Thursday, November 1, 2012

Semillas de Amor: Lots of work!

An update from Stephanie at Semillas de Amor:

It’s been a really good week for creatively constructing needed parts of the foundation.  A lot of the things we did this week was from found materials, donated materials, or had money donated to buy materials. We have been really excited about all the stuff we have be able to accomplish.  A HUGE thanks to our friend Chanp who decided to stay another week and keep helping.

Recent Projects:
·       Ripped down the fence in the front of the foundation and replaced with a more open fence made from stick we found in the street and in the foundation (This Was the biggest project of the week)
·       Extended one of the gardens and rebuild the fence around it to be stronger and make the garden more accessible. Planted more vegetables with the kids.
·       Made a small fence for the smaller garden, plus a swivel door to enter the garden, its now much easier to get to either of the gardens.
·       We took down the old door leading into the foundation and put in door we made that is a hundred times better.  We are buying a lot to put on it tomorrow.
·       Cleaned out a massive pile of old dying plants and trees that were attracting bugs and possibly dangerous snakes
·       Cleaned out lots of glass (an entire bucket full)
·       Built of some of the walls with the small amount of funding we got from friends and family.

     Pick axed rock to fill in flooring
·       Made a lock on the door to keep kids in during class
·       Chopping down the tree in the area where the kitchen will be going (Proved myself as a strong woman and did most of it with a machete )

     Weeding the gardens
·       Set up meetings with women to get surveys filled out
·       Taught daily lessons,  served lunch
·       Taught kids about throwing trash in the trash can rather than the ground.
·       Created a Compost

A lot has happened over the past week. One of the days  more kids showed up then I have ever seen, I think it’s because all the stuff that has been happening at the foundation .  The kids just kept walking in the door, we usually have more food then we need, and by the time we feed them all there wasn’t enough food for us interns to eat (which was fine).  A lot of the kids really want to get involved in helping with anything we are doing with the foundation, and I have been super impresses with the skills some of these kids have.

One thing that happened this week that was quite heart breaking was a little girl showed up to the foundation, she had no shoes, no underwear, reeked of urine, and was crying. She had a huge sore on the bottom of her foot, she has cut herself but because she had no shoes it just stayed dirty and infected. As soon as we saw it we cleaned it bandaged it and chanp made her a little temporary shoe out of material he had.  Turbaco is not the place to run around with no shoes, there is trash and broken glass EVERYWHERE just in the foundation today I collected an entire bucket of potentially dangerous trash; broken glass, rusted old sharp cans, and barb wire. I am excited for all the shoes to come in December, just wish there were coming soon so other incidences like this didn’t happen.