Antonina is also incredibly fortunate because she is sponsored by the vice president of the state of La Libertad. He brings her goodies, hugs, and new clothes whenever he can. She’s always very excited to see him. With him being such an important man, maybe this makes her even more of a princess.
Now here is my shameless plug for child sponsorships. Unfortunately, not all of the children are as lucky as Antonina. They do not have padrinos (godparents) to bring them sweets, little toys, or no clothes. They don’t have someone to visit them on their birthday or send them a card. You certainly don’t have to be an important person like vice president Napoleon to sponsor a child. Anyone can and the kids would be more than happy to have even just someone. As volunteers in the Aldea, we do our best to be their somebodies but sometimes it’s just not enough. If you read this and want to be somebody’s someone, then consider sponsoring a child like Antonina. Nothing would make me happier than to see the other little ones in the Aldea that I consider little royalty to have padrinos and madrinas so they, too, can feel like a prince or a princess.
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