So, you might have noticed a few changes around our blog. Since we've added a few additional homes to the Southern Cross family, we changed the name of our blog. If you've bookmarked our blog address - please take a minute to change it.
Also, you might notice the Sunflower postings are missing. While Southern Cross still has interns down at the Sunflower who are taking care of the children, the child sponsorships are now going through another organization called Genhu. It seems there has been some confusion during this transition so Leo, the director of The Sunflower, asked us to remove the Sunflower postings.
I love the Sunflower and the children there. I know Leo, the staff and the interns are caring for the children. Hopefully there will be a new Sunflower blog soon, but for now, enjoy the stories from Aldea Infantil and The Little Bug.
My grandpa used to tell me that a child's cry is the same in any language. How true that is. We're just getting to know these children at Aldea and The Little Bug. How adorable they are, how resiliant they are and how deserving of help they are. Stay tuned as we share their stories...
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