The "Little Bug" is located in the small town of Puyllucana, in the province of Cajamarca, Peru (2,500mts above sea level), about an hour flight from Lima, Peru. This center was started by Graciela Colle, from Argentine descent, and currently residing in Los Angeles, California, who after a trip to Peru began thinking of ways to help the children she saw on the streets. With the help of Ms. Feliciana Quiliche, who now runs the kitchen at “El Bichito 189", this home serves 81 children. Currently a Drop-in Center, Southern Cross has partnered with Graciella and is raising funds and working on permits to complete the second and third story to provide more long term care of the homeless and street children and to become an orphanage. Connections have been made with the local university to provide remedial classes for the older children at $81 a quarter and university classes at $100 a quarter. At this time, we have three young boys who are enrolled in the local university. See updated posts about this site here.