August 1
We have had an AMAZING week!! The kids were so excited for the big event on Wednesday. Semillas De Amor now has an official soccer and dance team! I can’t believe how hard they have worked, cooperated, and committed to being a part of something. We have been practicing for several weeks now. The boys have improved so much! They went from not knowing how to practice shooting on the goal together to doing warm ups, drills, running, passing games and more. They were reminded of their goal each day at practice, to be ready to play in a game. And they were! They worked together and supported each other. The other interns helped the girls learn how to stay on beat, do gymnastics, and work together.
The day of the event was a lot of fun for everyone. We met at 8 in the morning to get rides to the school we were playing against, and all the kids were early!! There were about 6 mothers of the kids that came to help, they were awesome! It was great to get to know them. We got to the school and handed out their yellow dance outfits and blue soccer jerseys, it was like Christmas. All the kids looked so good. We played the game, and there were so many kids there to watch. The other team scored first, we scored next. At halftime the girls performed their dance and it was adorable. We had music and everything. During the rest of the game the girls cheered on the sideline. The other team scored again, we scored again and by the end of the game it was tied. So we had a penalty kick shoot out. 4 players from each team shot on goal. Each team had only made one goal and it was down to our last shooter and.. We made it and won!! A 1st place trophy was given to our team, and a 2nd place given to the other team. We had a celebration afterwards with lunch, drinks, and treats. I can’t begin to explain how fun it was to help these kids work hard, commit, and follow through. Specifically the boys, I am so proud of them!!! They had so much fun playing as a team. Semillas De Amor!!
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