Monday, July 22, 2013

Colombia: May 5 update from interns

By: Lindsay Brown

May 5
So it was our first week here in Turbaco. The people we have met in this short amount of time are already so loving and giving to us and each other. This week Armando and I did some painting at the center. We worked mainly in the kitchen area. This week we plan on finishing the painting in the kitchen, and doing some touching up. We just received the tile for the center, so we hope to start on that this week too. We will also start working with the kids after lunch with their homework. Its only been a week, but I'm very excited to get everything going.

Progress on painting in the kitchen

From Armando:
One week later, I'm loving it already. We honestly feel like we're already part of the family. Uris an Oswaldo  are some of the nicest, most humble and hardworking people I've ever met. And the kids are so cute and lovable.  The first couple of days was mostly getting settled in and figuring things out. Our first day in the center was spent painting part of the kitchen walls and helping to serve food while getting to know some of the kids. They are awesome and energetic  although a bit rowdy at times. We had a day where it rained alot and uris told us it wouldn't be safe to go that day. And another one of the days was a holiday so there wasn't any school.  Thursday we went back to the center and helped serve food. We also helped deliver school supplies and the kids were really excited.  Tomorrow we will go to the food bank and prepare for the week!

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