Wednesday, February 13, 2013

El Bichito: Reading is contagious!

From Anna, an intern at El Bichito:

The kids have fallen in love with the little library we started.  I truly feel that reading is contagious and it is so nice to be reminded how much good a book can do in a child's life.  A book can help them to dream, think outside themselves, and learn about the world.  I spent a good hour reading with two of the girls named Ana Maria and Luz Elena.  We read a book written half in English and half in Spanish.  They read the Spanish and I read the English.  After I finished reading my part in English, they would both giggle loudly and I loved watching their eyes light up as I spoke English.  To them its like a secret code they want to unscramble.

The English classes this week were so successful.  We recruited a teenage girl from the village to come, as well as the young adult boys Jose Miguel, Segundo, and their friend Rafeal.  We hold the younger children class right before the adult class.  The young kids love learning about the colors, their birthdays, and numbers.  On friday this week we focused conjugating verbs with 'ies' endings in the third person.  I put them into two teams, and the older more advanced students had to conjugate the verb, come up with a sentence, read it out loud, and explain to the other students the concept they followed.  Whoever completed it the fastest won!  They older more advanced students loved being little English professors to the other students, and it really helped them to have to teach something they have recently learned.  I am hopeful we will continue to get more and more people interested in learning this week.  Can't wait to keep this going!

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