August 5
We have been working hard this week on finishing the main room in the foundation. With a lot of help from our Colombian friends, we have the roof installed as well as plaster on the walls in preparation to paint a mural this week! The kids in the foundation are so excited to have the room to eat and play in. Some of the kids from the foundation even came after school to help us cement the walls.
In between construction, we have also been working on making a banner with the kids for to hang in the building. I am excited to have the room finished so the kids can finally meet in a building instead of on the street like we have been. What a blessing it is to have all this help from our Colombian friends, we couldn´t have done it without them!
We are looking forward to painting the mural with our friend Mikell from Mondo art this week! There is a lot of wall space, so it will definitely be a big project, but the kids are going to have hand in it as well, which will be sweet.
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