Fabricio is a little angel. Each week on Monday and Wednesday one of the volunteers escorts little Fabri to the hospital in Trujillo so that he can work with the physical therapist. We do not know what all happened to him before he came to the Aldea, but as a result he is far behind on his mental and physical development. He does not react to very much and very rarely cries. He does smile often, however, and he has the sweetest giggle that erupts when you tickle him in just the right spot under his little chin.
I was talking to the the physical therapist on Wednesday when I went with Fabricio to the hospital and she was explaining to me the type of attention that Fabri needs at home in order to ensure that his little legs and neck muscles develop correctly. Fabri works with the nurse at the Aldea, Marta, a few times a week, but his condition requires extensive attention--the type of attention that is difficult to get in a home where there are nine other children who all have needs of their own. If I could I would take Fabricio home with me.
If you are interested in helping a child like Fabricio, click here for more information.
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