February 12 update from Cynthia:
We have all had the wonderful opportunity to get to know the kids here at El Bichito. Some are tall, some are small, some love to read and others love to play with puzzles. And one of them wants to be a Policeman when he grows up. Rodrigo OcasCueva is an eight year old with a lot of energy and plenty of spunk. Rodrigo lives here in Pulyucana with his new baby sister and his tiny dog Chita. Jake likes to tease Rodrigo by calling his dog a “cuy” or a guinea pig because it is so little. Rodrigo likes to draw pictures and is our math flashcard champion. He also enjoys playing soccer, volleyball and has discovered how cool the game “Guess Who” is. We have loved talking to Rodrigo because he makes us laugh all the time. He is not afraid to talk to us “gringos” and is quite the leader among other 8 year olds here at El Bichito. Like most of the kids here, he loves having his picture taken and likes to make funny faces. He can be pretty mischievous and we have to keep an eye on him or he will bend the rules a little at whatever game he is playing. Rodrigo is always down for a new game and we are all happy that he is one of our frequent friends here at El Bichito.

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