Life at the Aldea keeps getting better. We got a new baby at the Aldea named Fabricio. The cutest thing ever, I just love him. I found out that he has Epilepsy and a few days later, that he's also blind. We went to the hospital for him to get an EEG to see if he's permanently blind or if it can be fixed. However, the doctor never showed. So we left and are going to try again next week. We are still awaiting the arrivals of the new interns. We have their rooms prepared and ready for them. We are looking forward to their arrival. Our days are pretty exhausting, I've found myself the other day, realizing that its been a pattern, everyday a pattern of pretty much doing the same thing. Not that its a bad thing, especially when some days can be pretty "hard-core".
The mornings, while Madi and Allie go to the almazen I go over and help with one of the babies/or two. Last week, we had 2 mornings where it was pretty much a baby sitting party in our house. Also the Aldea has adopted a stray dog. I found him a few weeks ago when I was walking back to the volunteer house for lunch, and asked if he was any ones. He's found his way back in, and now stays permanent in the Aldea, and doesn't leave. Everyone loves him, and the kids call him by the name I chose for him when I found him again in the Aldea. His name is Marco Polo, like the game, but since he's now a resident of the Aldea the kids and I just call him Marco. Its funny though, they always ask if he's my dog, but then I tell them he's my dog friend. Me amigo perro. A lively dog that's fun to play with and is good with the children, friendlier than the other dog.
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