Here's a special profile on Daniel just for the Paramount School, in Meridian, Idaho who is sponsoring Daniel and Blanca. The 5th graders participate in "Wacky Wednesdays" once a month. On that day, the children at school bring $1 to do whatever wacky thing is going on that day (crazy hair, dress backwards, dress like twins, pj's, etc...) and the $1 goes to sponsor Blanca and Daniel. Thanks so much Paramount School 5th Graders! (Note: Daniel is one of our special needs kids who we are trying to help diagnose and treat.)
Daniel's situation is unique. He grew up in Brazil, learning Portuguese, and then not so long ago was brought to the Aldea. Supposedly, before he came, he was learning and speaking just like all the other boys. But when he arrived here at the Aldea and no one could understand him and he couldn't understand anyone else, something happened to his speaking ability. Now he doesn't speak any language at all and only makes sounds.

He is still going to the doctor to try and figure out what treatment is necessary and appropiate for his condition. Until now, the doctors still don't know how to help him. Apart from his speech impediment, he is quite like any other boy. He loves to play outside, especially on the swings. He also loves to paint and write. He can spend hours just with a notebook, pen and crayons.
From what I can see when I observe him interact with the other kids, is that he likes to do things that bother them. When asked to describe Daniel in one word, they all responded immediately with mischievious. They told me some pretty funny stories that I think would cause you to laugh too.
One day, Daniel came back to the house soaking wet. I believe he was sick at the time and the Tia didn't want him to get worse. After getting him into dry clothes, he was told not to go out and get wet again. So what did he do? As soon as an escape was possible, out he went only to return soaking wet again. This little game continued two more times until finally the Tia had to lock him in his room after changing him for the fourth time!
On a more recent occasion, this one is my favorite, Daniel managed to flood the house. The Tia left for a while and when she returned, he had turned on the faucets in the bathroom and the kitchen on full blast and it wasn't long till water spilled over onto the kitchen floor and from the bathroom into the living room. Sounds like something one of my friends would have done.
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