This week has been so much fun, I have absolutely loved the rain that we have gotten here, for it has made for quite a lot of fun here at the Aldea. Well, a different kind of fun, one of the highlights this week for me was playing futbol in the rain with all of the boys. It honestly was one of the funniest moments of the week, well good and bad. We were all laughing so hard at each other because everyone was sliding and falling, and at one point we did say that one had fallen into a mini piscina, it was hilarious. Aside from Mitch falling in a ditch and hurting his foot it was the time of our lives. The boys here just make me smile whenever I am around them. They just know exactly how to make me laugh and smile with their humor. They are such good kids inside and out, I am so impressed with their characters and the young men that they are. Don’t really know how to explain it, but I just am lucky to be around them.
Which leads me to who I want to focus on this week, which is actually Priscilla. The reason why I feel it ties in specifically to the boys is because she is the only girl living in her casa. She is just like another mom in that casa. I was eating in their casa this week which just really made me curious why she was in that house, but it was so much fun to get to know her a little bit better this week. Most of it are things that I have observed rather then things that I have actually discussed with her, but actions do speak louder then words.
First, I noticed how much the little boys in the casa look up to her. They are always making conversation with her and telling her stories trying to make her laugh. She helps a lot with these boys in the house. Today, the tia asked if she and I could watch for a bit while she took one of the kids to the nurse, and she honestly just knew exactly what to do. She is very responsible and very observant. We got to watch a movie together today and of course she turned it on in English for me, I tried to convince her otherwise, but she insisted. I thought that it was so sweet of her to do that. I heard her sing and she actually has a really good voice and she said how she loves to sing and dance.
However, I feel like I got to see a glimpse of who she really is later in the night during dance class. During one of the dances that most of the girls know already, I looked over and saw her teaching another one of the girls how to do it. She could have easily just done the dance that she had been wanting to do, but instead she took the time to help someone else to learn it. Such a selfless act of service. Then after that I saw her talking with one of the girls who had been having a bad day. I guess I just got the vibe that she is one of the girls who is a really good listener, maybe someone that a lot of girls trust. It was amazing to me to just see that she took the time on the wayside to help the other girls during this dance class. It’s like she was more aware of the other girls then of herself, such a respectable attribute that I hope I can learn.
It is girls like Priscilla who inspire me in my own life. I am sure she has impacted many of the lives here at the Aldea for the better.
Look forward to this next week, hope all is well, and thanks for this amazing opportunity created by Southern Cross to be able to be here. It truly is life changing. –Cori Hoffman