For starters, there was an experience at the pool in Simbal that was so incredible. I was sitting with Sophia on the side of the pool. She was almost dried off, and the volunteer next to me asked where is Fanny. For a moment I panicked cause I couldn’t see where Fanny had gone. I quickly asked Sophia if she knew were Fanny was, what she did next astounded me. . . she jumped right into the water where she last saw Fanny and started searching. It was so apparent to see the love that they have for each other. I think that Sophia was more nervous then we were as to where Fanny was, and that is saying quite a lot. I honestly was just so shocked that girls that age could understand so much about love and caring for each other. These girls are also so happy, constantly laughing and smiling, curious and excited about life.
Another incredible story that I have just happened today, again leaving me in awe at how much these two girls understand. Today was actually just one of those harder days for me and they just knew that I needed to feel loved. It’s crazy because I feel like these kids help me more then I could ever help them. But they both came up and just wanted to be held and to play. They stayed with me for quite sometime and brightened my day. The joy that they brought me is indescribable. What an example these girls are to me. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to be around them and their caring, pure hearts.
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