Thursday we taught physical education. They all wanted to play volleyball instead of exercise and stretch out, so we combined the two. If you want the kids to do what you have planned, you have to bend and do what they want to do with them too. Obvious. We stretched and did some basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and wall sits and did several reps of each. Then we played volleyball,
At 5:00ish, I met with Luis to do the Professionalism Class. When I came to help and ask if he was ready to build a resume, he said he had asked about help with homework. The homework he had done with Kayla had been lost or stolen or something! I didn’t know what to think. He’s a good kid but had lost or trashed his homework. I didn’t know if he was using the gringos to pawn off homework, but I helped him out.
While we were cooking in Casa 1, the men outside were harvesting avocados from the tree outside. One of the Tias asked me to get in a picture with the men so I did and shoved avocados up my t-shirt sleeves as biceps for the pic.
English class followed and I reviewed the fruit names and names of the month. We played “Fruit Basket” too to remember the names of the fruits and the kids ate it up!
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