Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our great trip to El Bichito (Julie)

Wow, it is hard to believe that it has been more than a month since our great trip to El Bichito. Traveling with our Southern Cross expedition group was truly an incredible experience. What a great group to travel with! Under the leadership of Cameron and Laura we all had a great time and appreciated the unique and memorable experience that they made possible. We were the first expedition to Porcon and to El BIchito. We were all inspired by the beauty of the people of Porcon and children of El Bichito. My daughter Emalia and I had an incredible experience, it will truly make a difference in our lives.

As a nurse I have years of experience working in Public Health, but nothing compares to the feeling seeing the good work that Southern Cross is doing for the Children of El Bichito. We accomplished a lot in our few days of hard work and were able to provide some very basic health care for the children. But more is needed. We need to see if we can provide follow-up for a 5 year old that needs an ENT to evaluate a mass in her ear. Hopefully our efforts of raising money at the garage sale will be a start.

Let's continute our efforts and not forget these special children now that we are back home.

I look forward to the reunion of our expedition members and continue our efforts!

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