One of most touching things that has happened to me here happened last night. We were eating dinner and had some plain bread at the end of it. I asked the tia of the house if the kids had behaved, if I could get some peanut butter to share with the kids. She said sure.
I asked the kids if they wanted some crema de mani. They excitedly said yes. They loved it and then i gave them each a Bon Bon (a chocolate coated candy with peanut butter inside) and they took forever to eat it. They literally savored each layer, finally finishing off the peanut buttery inside. This made me think about how spoiled I am, because these kids have only the bare necessities to survive, and sometimes not even that. I hope that the website will get these kids more funds and improve the quality of the facilities here.
Anyway, I gotta go. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.
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