Today we wrote letters to our sponsors. I always bring a spreadsheet with the list of our kids and who their sponsors are so I know who each child should write to, but I’ve never shown this list to the kids until this trip. Once they understood what it was, they all wanted to see it. They poured over that list! They would search for their name, then find their sponsors name and then ask me questions. “Is Carol a woman or a man?” “Where do they live?” I’ve never seen them so animated and interested. Since last week, they’ve been asking me when they were going to write letters to their sponsors. So today we wrote them. The kids were so cute! And their letters are thoughtful and colorful. Here are some photos of the kids writing the letters.
I also need to do a bit of explaining. We had a few kids without sponsors who felt sad when they saw a blank space next to their name. We also have a kids with a couple of sponsors and others with just one. And every child wanted to write one or two letters. In order to not hurt any of the children’s feelings, I shifted some of the sponsors around. So some sponsors may receive a letter from a child they don’t sponsor. I hope everyone is ok with this – I just did the best I could on the spur of the moment.
By the way, if anyone wants to send a Christmas card to any of our children - sponsor or not – you can send them to our office in Woods Cross, Utah. And if you want to send a small gift you can also send those. Please make it a modest gift as not every child will receive gifts from sponsors.
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