Thursday, July 3, 2014

El Bichito: Chica night

June 20
By Tavia 
This week went really well. The girls really enjoyed the chica night. We as interns tried to make the girls feel like princesses and make them feel really important because they are. It was a success! They loved it! I attached a few pictures from it. As for English classes I feel like the students at the elementary school are learning English really well. They are improving so much since the first time that I came. In total the students have learned three English helper songs. They have learned, "the abcs", "head, shoulders, knees, and toes", and "the months of the year." The students love the songs because they get to interact especially with the "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" song. I was thinking if the elementary school has a CD player it might be cool to burn those songs on a CD so that the teacher can play them in class whenever she wants. It might be kind of nice since the students love them so much. I don't know just a thought?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

El Bichito: Listening Skills

Tuesday, May 13th:

We did a Fama Lesson on Listening Skills. We talked about why it is important to listen and what good listening means, then we played Simon Says. The kids really enjoyed it and had fun. The other two interns Lauren and Kelsey filmed some of the game and got pictures for the blog.

Wednesday, May 14th:

We had another reading day. We also pulled out puzzles and the kids loved them!

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El Bichito: Reading Day

News from our interns down in El Bichito!

Monday, May 12th:

We decided to change things up a little bit and have certain days where there was specifically homework time or reading time and activities. Monday was reading day, so we changed out the books and put chapter books out with some picture books so that kids could read more on their level. We would then give stickers to the kids once they had read a certain amount. One challenge we had was keeping track of which kids had read what, so we are thinking of solutions to better keep track. But some of the kids loved the chapter books so much that they didn’t even want to eat because they were too busy reading.